Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for to compare in Spanish


compare verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
compared, has compared, is comparing, compares

Example sentences of
compare verb

  • The singer's voice has been compared to that of Elvis.
  • We each did the homework assignment, then compared answers.
  • I compared several bicycles before buying one.

Synonyms of
compare verb

Detailed synonyms for compare verb

Compare, contrast significan poner lado a lado con el fin de demostrar semejanzas y diferencias.
  • Compare indica el propósito de demostrar valores o excelencias relativas, en la puesta de manifiesto de las cualidades características, tanto similares como divergentes <comparing the attractions of the two cities>.
  • Contrast indica el propósito de hacer hincapié en las diferencias <contrasted the computerized system with the old filing system>.

Reverse translation for to compare

comparar  - to compare 
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